Navy Submariner

Go Beneath The Surface

The Submariner category is amongst one of the most mysterious categories in the Navy. Their missions are so classified that even some of the Navy are unaware of what they do.

Submariners are also considered the most elite personnel in service, so the recruitment process is one of the most rigourous.

Herein lay our problem, how do we ask someone to dedicate their life when they don't know what their signing up for. And, considering the eliteness of Submariners, many may not believe they are fit for the job.

The campaign looked to demystify our Submariner by stripping back the layers to reveal who they really are as the people underneath the uniform.



  • +30% uplift in Applications Completed compared with past year's period
  • 89% increase in job referrals
  • 102% increase in Enquiry starts
  • 66% increase in Application start volumes





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